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Sabtu, 22 November 2008

Againt Cancer With Nature


Tomato (Solanium lycopersicum) very usefull for sufferer. Its because likopen in tomato. Red color on tomato from karotenoid likopen make prostat and heart healthy.

Reported, capability of likopen as antioksidan on compose singlet oksigen, muffle the viciousness of “radikal bebas” , and compress expansion of cancer cell.

The man who consume tomato caprice 10 a week, possess risk of prostat cancer below 35% then they who didn’t. Also reported, consume tomato ketchup can subtract from DNA demage because cancer cell 28,3% and aggression from leukosit 21%, and also reduce antigen level of prostat for 17,5%

If cooked, likopen will more easy to spread out, so this way advicest if you want to againt cancer.

Thanks to nyata for tips……..


Aple(Pyrus Malus), grow thiriving in cold place. Delicious taste and usefull for cancer sufferer.

From the research known aple can slow down the growth of intestimes cancer (kanker usus) dan heart cancer (kanker hati). More stronger concentration extract of aple, so reproduction level of cancer cell getting slow.

To againt cancer is batter to consume aple without remove peel, because aple have more anti-oksidan. National Cancer Institute in AS said, “aple flovanoid can reduce risk of lung cancer until 50%”. Research from Cornell University also find that fitokimia on aple skin make progress of intestimes cancer slow down 43%. Research from US said, “quercertin, type of flavonoid on aple, can help to protect from prostat ca Cancer(kanker prostat).


Carrot (Daucus Carota) known have high betacarotin. Just to know betacarotin is one of anti-oksidan who can stimulate imun system to protect from “karsinogen”.

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