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Sabtu, 22 November 2008

Interview Tips

Preparation tips
Match your skills to the job

To help ensure a successful interview, you should know in advance how well you qualify for the job. One way to get this information is to request a written job description. For each requirement listed in the description, write down your qualifications—this may show that you lack a particular skill. Plan how you will address this in the interview. You want to be able to convince the employer that you can learn the skill. For example, you lack skill in programming in C++ language. Knowing when and where you can enroll in a C++ course in your community may convince the employer that you’re the right person to hire.
Plan what you are going to say

One of the most important things that you can do to prepare is to plan what you going to say. Try to have some stories about your work experience that illustrate your skills, experience, and education. These stories should relate to the skills that the employer is seeking, while emphasizing your:

* Strengths
* Leadership skills
* Ability to learn new things
* Contributions to the organizations in which you have worked or volunteered
* Creativity in solving problems and working with people

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